Invention Review

Critical and Objective Review of Interesting Inventions

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nano Wand from "Amega Global"

In my line of work, I am blessed with the fortune of being able to analyze numerous inventions  and patents from software technology to financial technology to 'wellness' technology to scams.

Maintaining an open mind and optimistic spirit are essential to being creative and productive. I hope that fellow Asians who are conducting their own due diligence into Amega Global and their products would benefit from this humble review.

1.0 Background

A few days ago, I got to know an interesting person who claimed that he is a lecturer from a Singapore Polytechnic. Upon knowing that I am lecturing in a Singapore University and is very much into Science and Technology, he shared with me a novel product: "Nano Wand" [1] (Figure 1) from Amega Global [2].

Figure 1: Nano Wand

2.0 About Nano Wand

There exist a detailed write-up about "Nano Wand" [1] by an Indonesian Amega Salesrep. An excerpt of the document is as follows:

What is Nano Wand?
The Nano Wand is a natural energy generating device. The energy created specifically rejuvenates molecular structures in all liquids. The molecular structure causes any liquid to become more hydratious, taste better and extend shelf life. Placed in a fridge, the Nano Wand’s energy frequency permeates the fridge; all liquids, meat and fruit will taste better and have extended shelf life. The renewed molecular chains are similar to those found in healthy natural spring water.

What is Nano Wand made of?
Technically engineered natural minerals are fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular level, using several high heat fusion methods. The combination of the minerals and the fusion techniques produces a catalytic conversion of energy, developing a long lasting natural resonance which has the ability to be transferred to any liquid, renewing the natural molecular chains.

How does Nano Wand work?
The ‘beta’ rhythm frequency spins at an anti clockwise direction, and like other ‘energy waves’, it can ‘influence’ inert objects.

What kind of minerals are in the Nano Wand? How many of them?
The body of the Nano Wand houses 11 minerals locked into it by high heat fusion techniques and is technically engineered. Each mineral grain has its own individual shape and size that when combined with the other minerals, through a catalytic conversion, generates the spinning resonance we call chi energy.

How does the energy transfer to the water using the Nano Wand?
The Nano Wand energy spins into the liquid, counter clockwise, or the liquid can be poured over the Nano Wand where it ‘picks up’ the resonance.

Is there any expiry date? What would be the effect after the expiry date?
We expect the Nano Wand’s energy to last 30 years as recent tests on the original pre-production test units made five years ago show that they have increased in energy levels. Unlike a magnet, the resonance is not affected by the earth’s gravitational pull.

What are the benefits of Nano Wand?
Molecular structures in liquids allow the taste buds to recognise only the taste we enjoy.

There is at least one video in Youtube where we can see Nano Wand in action (Video 1). After watching this amatuer video, I was left with more questions than answers. The video was created by an Amega salerep based in the beautiful country of Philippines.

Video 1: Nano Wand Video [3]

3.0 About Amega Global Pte Ltd (Singapore)

  • Name of Company: Amega Global Pte Ltd
  • Website:
  • Registration Number: 20050415C
  • Date of Registration: 09/01/2005
  • Country of Incorporation: Singapore
  • Date of Name Change: 20/02/2006 (Formerly known as Kimberley Global Pte Ltd)
  • Registered Office Address: 101 Thomson Road #23-04/05 United Square Singapore 307591
    Date of Change of Address: 01/07/2009
  • Paid-up Capital: $530,000
  • Managing Director: Arun Kemer (NRIC: S1702353E, SG Citizen)
  • Director: Eric Edward Banks (ID: 761256669 British)
  • Director: Pearl Goh Boon Ee (NRIC: S1361571C, SG Citizen)
  • Director: Thenagaran S/O Subramaniam (NRIC: S1487357J, SG Citizen)
  • Director: Yong Kng Fatt (NRIC: S7280646H, SG Citizen)
  • Shareholder 1: Eric Edward Banks ($75,000 shares)
  • Shareholder 2: Arun Kemer ($355,000 shares)
  • Shareholder 3: Amega Global LLC ($120,000 shares)
2005 and 2006 audited financial account were furnished together with notes and may include Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet figures are available from ACRA [12] - may want to wait for the 2008 or 2009 audited financials.

4.0 Conclusion

This is a novel product and I want to believe. Amega salesreps who are planning to invite me to their office for a discussion, I thank you in advance but would like to defer the visit until my list of questions are answered (pls help me to help you):
  • Q1. What are the names of the inventors for "Nano Wand"?
  • Q2. Within the field of Nanotechnology, there are over 9000 US patents that are granted [10] and applied [11]. Is Nano Wand patented? If yes, what is the Patent Publication Number? If no, are you infringing on any of the US and non-US patents [16]?
  • Q3. Is there any "Nano Wand" scientific publication? If yes, please let us know the citation information?
  • Q4. Based on my limited knowledge in the field of nanotechnology [4, 5, 6, 7, 8], please let me know more specifically the sub-technologies within the very broad field of nanotechnology that are relevant to Nano Wand - eg. Bucky balls? Fullerene? Nanotubes? Quantum dots? Intelligent Agents?
  • Q5. While the "Nano Wand" document [1] is informative, there seems to be more fiction that science - I would strongly encourage this salesrep to include more references in his document, rather than just speculative and very fanciful/wishful claims.
  • Q5a. For instance, the Nano Wand document [1] speculated about the ability of the 'Nano Wand' to re-energised liquid - that's pseudoscience [13].
  • Q6. Assuming that the Amega users testimonial are real, could the users be experiencing a Placebo effect? [14]
  • Q7. The Amega Global "Nano Wand" product seems to resemble the Amezcua "Bio Disc" [15]. I can't help but noticed the similarities between Amega and Amezcua. Hmmm..
  • Q8. Within Video 1, the boy was playing with the 'Nano Wand' for almost 2 minutes. Can someone tell me what was that for?
  • Q9. In view that "Nano Wand" is such a wonderful product, may I invite Arun to submit his product to SPRING Singapore [9] or any relevant authority [10] for testing. Once done,  pls share with us the pdf of the test report(s). Am very certain that if the test reports are positive, you can expect a huge jump in terms of your "Nano Wand" sales - when that happens, you don't need to share the commissions with me, as I prefer to dedicate the merits, positive effects and commercial profits to all sentient beings instead.
May all beings be well and happy.

[4] Kostoff, R.N., Koytcheff, R.G. & Lau, C.G., 2007. Global nanotechnology research literature overview. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 74(9), 1733-1747.
[5] Mamalis, A., 2007. Recent advances in nanotechnology. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 181(1-3), 52-58.
[6] Michelson, E.S., Globalization at the nano frontier: The future of nanotechnology policy in the United States, China, and India. Technology in Society, 30(3-4), 405-410.
[7] Uskokovic, V., 2007. Nanotechnologies: What we do not know. Technology in Society, 29(1), 43-61.
[8] Scheu, M. et al., 2006. Mapping nanotechnology patents: The EPO approach. World Patent Information, 28(3), 204-211.
[14] Placebo Effect: A Cure in the Mind, Scientific American. Available at: [Accessed October 14, 2009].
[15] Sze Zeng: Amezcua Bio Disc. Available at: [Accessed October 14, 2009].